Thursday, January 18, 2007

We're Off!

Alaska -- I knew someone who went there to teach. A long time ago. I never in a million years dreamed that I would be heading there one day. With two kids, a husband, a dog and a complete household. Okay, the dog isn't going to Alaska. And neither is most of our household stuff. But it is amazing what four people can accumulate over the years. I see a huge moving sale in the not too distant future.

Actually, the Mr. and I started thinking about AK a long time ago. Then we hit a wall last year with certification and everything came to a screeching halt. This last summer (2006) brought about some changes in Alaskan certification for teachers and now we're planning on going in August. If... we get certified and if.... we can get a job.

This blog is about our journey to Alaska and eventually our lives there. We hope you enjoy reading about us and this exciting trip of a lifetime!

The Mr. and I are both teachers. We've been teaching for about 4 years now. Previously we were in ministry in a Baptist church. Now I teach K-3 music and he teaches emotionally disturbed junior high students. We have two kids --- The Girl is in 5th grade and The Boy is in 3rd grade. They are just as excited about moving as we are.

So ... here is the beginning of our story:
The Mr. and I completed our PRAXIS tests three weeks ago. We check the mail as soon as possible everyday now. As soon as we recieve our papers and get fingerprinted we can send off the certification papers. It should be any day now.

I've started going through the house and cleaning out closets and cabinets. We're trying to get the house ready to sell. So we're cleaning, cleaning, cleaning --- and with two kids --- we clean some more. All the little projects that we started 2 years ago when we bought this place are now coming together. If we don't get to move at least the house will be in top order! We're painting, landscaping -- you name it. We plan to put it up for sale as soon as possible. Talk about scarey. What if I sell it and then don't get a job? But what if I wait too long and it's not sold before we go? So many questions.

I could go on and on but what would I write about tomorrow? Besides, it's time to tackle The Girl's bedroom. I wonder what treasures we'll find in there?!

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About Me

We are The Mr. and The Mrs. and our two kids, The Girl and The Boy. This is the story of our move from Oklahoma to Alaska and our life once we get there.

Alaska Tundra

Alaska Tundra
The Tundra