Saturday, January 19, 2008


Akula Schools is hosting the basketball games for our neck of the tundra this weekend. Three villages came in yesterday and played ball until 10:30 last night. Then we all played again this morning. Now we're all tired and want to go home -- more on that down below.

Akula won both games yesterday and even went into overtime. It was exciting and I didn't get any technicals! Then this morning we got romped..... so sad.

Now, everyone has had lunch, the bags are packed,the rooms are cleaned and no airplanes are flying. Sooo.... two of the teams are stuck in Akula. Which also means that our high school team is stuck somewhere. One team used snowgoes to get here so they are gone and of course, my team just walked home. Now we're trying to figure out what to serve for supper. And find someone to cook it.

District rules require travelers to bring bedding and clothing even if you don't plan to spend the night. And that's the same if you fly or snowgo. You must go prepared to stay overnight because the weather can change so quickly. During winter everyone must wear heavy insulated boot and snowpants. You cannot fly without them. You must be prepared for a crash. If you snowgo you are supposed to carry weapons. If it is below -35F you cannot travel.

So.... we wait.

It is 36F and raining now. We need snow and cold! Who would have believed I'd be begging for that!!

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We are The Mr. and The Mrs. and our two kids, The Girl and The Boy. This is the story of our move from Oklahoma to Alaska and our life once we get there.

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